December 5, 2009

Feel Like Making Love. Woongsan.

Woongsan simply oozes sex appeal.

Here's probably one of the first commercially available HQCD that you could buy, other than test disc. The sound and recording is superb. The clarity is there, yet never hyped, with outstanding musical details flowing very naturally. None of that digital music medium's artifacts are presented.

Woongsan is Korean, and her backing band is Japanese. She's got good vocal range and can at times hint at those sixties female jazz vocals. Some of the tracks that stands out(for me at least) are:

1) Feel like making love

2) It had to be you

5) Don't cry

7) Don't be that way

13) Yesterday

While most of tracks on this CD are popular Jazz covers, Woongsan wrote two songs which is listed as track 5) and 13) above. I find that she's actually quite good and would prefer her to do more of her own materials then covers. The covers are done in typical Japanese predictable and orderly arrangement. However, musician ship is excellent as to the usual Japanese high standards. Yet most of the other tracks not listed above just feels "tired" arrangement wise.

A promotion poster for a "live" gig in Japan.

With a sexy looking cover photo and a rather "suggestive" title, Feel Like Making love is almost a sure fire hit with the middle age audiophile crowd.


  1. This CD cost RM 75.00 a hefty price to pay leh

  2. Err, the disc is HQCD and made in Japan. HQCDs and SHMCDs are only available in Japan and that is why they are pretty expensive. If I'm not mistaken, HQCDs and SHMCDs retails for 2800 to 3600 yen. The exchange rate is now 100 yen to RM3.80 to RM4.00. You haven't even take into account the freight and custom's duties. RM75.00 for a high quality disc that is imported from Japan is already quite a bargain.
