December 2, 2009

It's A Ho! Ho! Ho! December.

Some nice X'mas music to get in the the holidays mood.

Yep, folks! We are drawing the curtains to the year 2009. It's being a financially challenging year for many, but hope fully, most of us can find solace in hifi and music. As this month is full of holidays, even in sunny Malaysia, we at HiFi-Unlimited also take some time off to reflect on the year behind, and what a bountiful year it was, hifi wise. I could not remember a time in my short hifi journey, where there's so many events and new products being brought in to these shores.

As we wind up the year, there will be only two equipment on test this month. We have the following on test this month:

Metronome Technologie CD One T Signature. This new high end arrival has show great sonic promises so far in our auditions at CMY Audio & Visual showrooms. We take this baby home for a spin.

We are still on integrated amps this month, and a tube pedigree one at that, it's the Manley stereo integrated amp with 2 x 40 watts on tap in ultra linear mode.

We may have a few surprises in store if things works our way.

Whilst my digital front is languishing in the store room, awaiting for parts, I've still not able to source a VAM1252, Philips CD Pro mechanism yet, despite some interesting leads. My other musical source, namely the black art of vinyl, has taken a whole new lease of life.

Last but not least, may the new year bring us new hifi ideas and endeavours, and may we all have filling rice bowls for 2010 too!

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