December 18, 2009

YES at Centre Circle Audio

It is that time of the year again! Everyone is in the festive mood, we are looking for that special gift for our loved ones, or that something to pamper ourselves to close out the year. Sales and cool deals are everywhere just to give you and me that extra push... :-)
Well, Centre Circle Audio has gotten into the act too. Nelson Chia, its head honcho, told me that he is planning a Year End Sales on some stuff that they carry, sales items will include electronics, loudspeakers and cables.

I do not have all the details yet, so you should call or visit them to find out.
Contact Centre Circle Audio, Ph: 03-77282686; Nelson Chia 012-2876807; Sky Wong 012-3371787________________________________________________________________

On another note, I wrote about the launch of new EgglestonWorks loudspeaker models at Centre Circle Audio on Nov 7. During my visit to its showroom this morning, Centre Circle Audio had a couple of good news on them - the first was that it would keep the special launch prices for the Andra III and Dianne going; the second was that you can now see and listen to the real thing in the showroom (the other EgglestonWorks model on display is the Nine, now come with even better finish than the first batch, which I own a pair).

Andra III demo'ed with ModWright amplifiers
EgglestonWorks Andra III
EgglestonsWorks Dianne

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