January 3, 2010

No More Monthly Editorial.

Here's a game I've been playing a lot lately! I absolutely love this action card!

It's the new year, and I think we need to change the blog editorial a bit. Just like the world events, we are also constantly changing, and hopefully for the better. We started out with the Monthly Editorial post, so that we can inform our dear readers about what's in store for the given month.

But after 3 months of trying to keep up with the schedule, we've learnt that it is not always easy to do so, not to mention stressful too. Many a times, items that have being promised to us for reviews don't quite make it in time for a variety of reasons beyond the dealer's control, or when they do make it, it's rather late and we have to frantically rush up our reviews.

I personally, feel that when we blog about our hifi endeavours, it should be fun, not done under duress pressure and preferably with time on our side. So we have decided that we would prefer NOT to have a Monthly Editorial.

It's not that we have anything less to write about, but we'd rather do so at our own time. Well if you look at it on the bright side, there's an element of surprise every time you log in for a read. We seek your understanding to our plight and please continue to support us as you've done.

We appreciate your opinions, feedback, or brickbats.

Thanks for reading.


  1. No More Monthly Editorial is never mind. Always support your team,
    Your team so far is the best at Malaysia's hifi blog. Thanks a lots for your updating news & reviews at Malaysia hifi industry, give a lot fun to Malaysia hifi kaki.

  2. kkthen,

    Thanks for your very, very kind words.

    We do try very hard not to let our readers down.
