January 31, 2010

Parasound Arrives At Centre Circle Audio

Parasound is now being distributed by Centre Circle Audio.

Parasound's Halo line of pre-amps, power amps, and monoblocks are now available for audition at CCA's showroom.

Parasound JC2 Preamplifier
(116dB s/n ratio; Frequency response 5Hz-100kHz +0/-3dB; Balanced inputs and outputs;
Switchable polarity invert; Full remote control)

Parasound JC1 Monoblocks (400w, 8 ohms / 800w, 4 ohms / 1200w, 2 ohms; 135A peak current; first 25w operates in pure class A)

Parasound JC1 Monoblocks (foregorund) driving EgglestonWorks The Nine
Parasound P3 Stereo Preamplifier (Balanced inputs and outputs; phono stage; Frequency response 5Hz-55kHz)

Parasound A21 Power anp (250/400w x 2, 8/4 ohms; 60A peak current) at left sitting on carpet
Parasound A23 Power amp (125 / 200w x 2, 8/4 ohms; 45A peak cuurent) at right sitting on marble slab

Contact Centre Circle Audio, Ph: 03-77282686; Nelson Chia 012-2876807; Sky Wong 012-3371787

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