March 16, 2010

Important Announcement On the Wadia 170iTransport Write-in Competition

We want to apologize to our readers and contributors to the Wadia Competition. We have made a boo-boo in the e-mail address which you are required to send your write-ups to.

A keen-eyed contributor pointed out a typo to us. The correct e-mail address to use is In our previous posts, we have reversed the 'e' and 'u' (they have been corrected now).

For those contributors who spelt out the address, your entry would have reached me. However, if you cut and paste the email address, your entry might have gone missing in cyberspace.

If you have sent your entry to us in the last 2 weeks, please resend them again. I'll acknowledge receipt by a return e-mail within 2 working days from now on. If you do not receive my return e-mail, please check the e-mail address you use and re-send again.

We apologize again for this mishap. Please roll-in those entries now!!

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