March 20, 2010

Local CD Gets Voted "CD of the Month" in Audiophile

I guess this is something worth cheering because I was there to witness the process ;-)

Love's Tapestry gets voted "CD of The Month" by Audiophile's (Fatt Siu Yum Heong) Chief Editor, Chan Ying Kong. Being an industry veteran for more than 30 years, Chan is not an easy guy to please and "CD of The Month" is not a recognition one could "buy" with money, if you get my drift. It has to be earned.

This is the 2nd time (the first being 2V1G) a Malaysian production gets recognized by HK hifi media.

Maggie told me that he will run a contest in The Star's Audiophile page to give away 20 copies of this CD. So those who want to have this album but hesitant to get it, you can wait for the contest in The Star.

p/s Another review from Taiwan's U-Audio here.

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