March 7, 2010

A Wadia 170iTransport for Your i-Thoughts

We have our first qualifying entry for Hifi Unlimited's Wadia 170iTransport competition. If you've not submitted your entry, hurry! There are only 3 more qualifying spaces for that chance to win the grand prize. The following is from Y.W.Wong:

Wadia? For me, an unforgettable name and a formidable machine.

More than 10 years ago, I heard Wadia's CD player for the first time. Wow, its superb analytical power, its huge dynamic range, I thought at that time it was the best in the world.... but....later I heard comments from some people that the sound was mechanical! The sound was metallic! It did not have musicality!.....

Today, I listen to Wadia again, their latest models.... Wow, the superb resolution is still there! Excellent transparency! Ultra-wide bandwidth! Huge dynamic range! And last but not least very very good musicality! The metallic and mechanical sound is totally gone.

I think in the same price range, I dare not say it is the best in the world, but I believe they aren't many worthy competitors at all!

A lot of people say that hifi requires fine tuning by the designers to sound good, but I believe advanced technology is the pre-requisite and source for good sound. Like Wadia, though CD is a limiting format, but its advanced technology can still dig up all the details and present them as music to the listener.

When I think back the advances in CD players in the last few years, CD sound has improved in leaps and bounds, many players can sound pretty good now. However, compared to Wadia, there is still a gap. That is Wadia for me!

Rules and Regulations of the Wadia Competition:

Grand Prize! Wadia 170i Transport. Picture shown with iPod attached. The iPod or iPhone to use is your choice, and is sold separately. By the way, you'll also need to connect the Wadia 170i Transport to your high end rig via a dedicated DAC.

Dear readers,

Hifi-Unlimited is proud to announce our first ever reader's participation event. The event's grand prize, which is a unit of the latest and coolest Wadia 170i Transport, worth RM$1480.00, is generously sponsored by CMY Audio & Visual, the new distributors of Wadia in Malaysia.

What does the Wadia 170i Transport do? Well, do you want the "cool" factor of the iPod or the iPhone, and marrying the convenience of portable music to the sound quality of your high end audio system?

The Wadia 170i Transport is a highly acclaimed and award winning device, to connect your Apple iPod or iPhone to your high end hifi system via a dedicated DAC of your choice. I've heard recently, in a friend's system, where his high end hifi rig was sourced by loss less music files from his iPhone, attached to a Wadia 170i Tranport, via a high end DAC, and came away pretty impressed by the sonic results. To this pair of ears, the sound quality of the iPhone & Wadia 170i Transport combo is clearly superior to any CPU based music server I've came across so far.

So you asked, "what do I have to do to win the Wadia 170i Transport?" Simple, just e-mail Odiosleuth your most positive thoughts, up lifting emotions and out of this world experiences with Wadia products and services past and present. You may even tell us your wish list feature on future Wadia products. Otherwise, any other constructive Wadia related topics can be considered for the event.

Terms and conditions of HiFi-Unlimited reader's participation event:

1) This event is open only to our Malaysian readers with MYKAD registered postal/home address. No proof of purchase or past Wadia ownership required.

2) All e-mails to Odiosleuth must contain the following information, MYKAD No., Tel No., and Postal/Home address. Failure to include these 3 important information will result in your e-mail being disqualified. We will not publish your contact no. or address on line. They are strictly for winner's identity verification only.

3) Your e-mail contents must not exceed 300 words.

4) You may send as many e-mail entries as you wish, should you think it'll increase your chances of winning, however, repeated sending of the same e-mail contents will not count after the first one received, and the subsequent e-mails will be considered null and void. In other words, DO NOT SPAM!

5) Readers may start sending e-mail entries to, starting 1st till 27th March 2010. Any e-mails received past the deadline of 12.00pm, 27th March 2010 will not be eligible for the event.

6) The HiFi-Unlimited editorial team will select, based on what they feel is subjectively the best e-mail of the week representing the Wadia theme, (i.e. 08th, 15th, 22nd & 29th March 2010) for publication on this blog site to qualify for the final selection by CMY Audio & Visual to win the grand prize.

7) The grand prize winner will be notified by e-mail, and our announcements here at HiFi-Unlimited in the month of April 2010.

8) All immediate families of the HiFi-Unlimited editorial team, and employees of CMY Audio & Visual are prohibited from participation of this event, except for the grand prize giving ceremony.

9) All weekly qualifying selections by the HiFi-Unlimited editorial team and grand prize winner selection by CMY Audio & Visual are final. No further correspondence over the matter will be entertained.

10) Should you have further questions about this reader's participation event, please ask in the comments section below. We will try to clear your doubts. And lastly, Good Luck!

So what are you waiting for? Put your i thoughts to e-mail, and we may just reward your effort with a Wadia 170i Transport!

Finally, a special thanks to our generous event sponsor, CMY Audio & Visual.

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