April 15, 2010

100,000 Hits!

Hip, Hip, Hoo-ray!!! And a toast to our success.

Our hit counter shows that HiFi-Unlimited has just passed the 100,000 mark! That's highly remarkable, given that we've only been online for only a few months.

We are grateful to the generous support that our friends, loyal readers and hifi dealers have shown us. More dealers have pledge to hop on to the band wagon soon, which will result in more diversity of brands that we can write about, there fore bringing our readers more shopping options.

The local hifi industry has reported very positive retail figures, despite the slowing economy and every other issues affecting the Malaysian way of life. This goes to shows that when life is faced with challenges, we retreat in to our own world of music and sound, free from the burden of daily chores. Music is our natural rehab, if I may call it that. Thank fully, 2010 is going to be a period where economic recovery will start to happen. Remember the saying "Money can't buy happiness, but without money, nothing can happen!"

Our blog site analytics is still indicating readership growth of about 8% month on month, which is encouraging. About 55% of our readers are Malaysians and the remaining are international. Thanks to analytics, we also know what our readers like to read most.

We also understand that hi-fidelity as a hobby in Malaysia is expensive to purchase and sustain, vis-a-vis our local standards of living. If you may have noticed, we've just started a segment to write about some "old is gold", classics or just plain good value pre-owned high performance hifi, like those that we'd like to buy for ourselves. It is with hope that we do actually bring more people in to this hobby by introducing quality pre-owned, yet affordable hifi as a first step in to high end audio. The multiplier effect means there will be a ready pool of buyers for owners who wish to upgrade their gears. This can only be good for the hifi retail industry in the long term.

Lastly, a big thank you to all our supporters, who gives us the strength and passion to do what we like doing best, doodling about hifi.