May 16, 2010

3 In 1 Happiness Event.

The first thing that struck me about the thoroughly modern urban chic designed, Sunway Giza Mall is those big giant fans, hung from the centre "big top" open air area. Those giant fans help to cool the side walk cafes down enough to make sitting in the open air spaces look "happenin" and sweat free.

The giant fans mounted from the "big top" provides the necessary cooling to hang out at the open air spaces, and cafes.

The newest CMY Audio & Visual shop front, located on the first floor of the air conditioned section of the Sunway Giza Mall.

The latest CMY Audio & Visual branch is located on the first floor of the air conditioned section of the mall. The showroom is tastefully decorated to reflect the discerning clientele at the up and coming area of Kota Damansara.
All the CMY brands are available here!

From left: WS Woon(Wadia i-competition winner), Big E and John Yew(Head Honcho of CMY) doing the "Grand Prize"(a Wadia 170 iTransport) giving ceremony.

I had the pleasure to escort our Wadia i-competition winner, WS Woon to the "Grand Prize" giving ceremony, and along the way, got to know him as an audiophile. We hope to feature his high end system one day.
A section of the crowd listening to the Jz8 CD demo.

The main event was of course, no other than ML's Pop Pop Music laucnh of the Jz8 album with CDs scheduled to be available some time late this month. I was so hoping that I could get my copy and get Lydia and Tay Cher Siang of the Jz8 duo to autograph it. I also got the opportunity chat up the friendly duo, which will appear in the 10Qs section latter. Those who attended the event was treated to a real eye/ear opener, with Lydia doing an impromptu unplug solo performance vs the demo CD of the song Ferris Wheels. All I can say is, this gurl's got it going on! Yeah!
From left: ML, Lydia and Tay Cher Siang of Jz8 duo.

The promising sounding all Naim system used for the CD demo.

The Naim electronics, powered by RGPC power conditioning.

The Naim Ovator speakers represent Naim's new thinking on speaker design direction. Retailing for only RM$38K.

One of the unusual design feature of the Naim Ovator speakers, the BMR tweeter decoupling suspension system. The speakers also has plinth decoupling system functioned by an ingenious leaf spring design.

ML declares "We are gonna sell at least 30,000 copies of Jz8 CDs!". Not an over optimistic forecast I'd say, going from Lydia and Tay Cher Siang's musical talents.

The system used to demo the Jz8 CD is an all Naim system featuring the latest Naim Ovator speakers. This speaker heralds a new speaker design direction, more inclusive to a wider target audience, other than to the usual loyal olive hair shirt Naim owners! The sound from the system is promising, which I suspect it had slightly diluted that Naim signature sound, which can be a good or bad thing, depending on the degree of oliveness in Naim one is. The Naim Ovator comes with a few new design innovations and I urge our readers to check it out, even if one is not a Naim loyalist.
Andy is the store manager for the CMY Kota Damansara branch. So do look out for this ever friendly chap!

There's also an area dedicated to AV systems demo.
If Andy looks familiar to you, that's because he was previously posted at the nearby 1 Utama CMY branch. You can contact Andy at, 016-9765277.
Stay tuned for my 10Qs to the Jz8 duo.

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