July 3, 2010

Focal V Series Speakers And Thorens TD309 Tri Balanced Turn Table. New Arrivals To Asia Sound.

The latest Thorens TD309 Tri Balance turn table is now on demo in Asia Sound. The maple leaf like shape in striking red colour certainly looks very interesting indeed. Tri Balance is a new take on the three point suspended turn table concept from Thorens, a Swiss company that has been making turn tables for the last 125 years! Best of all, the TD309 is not extravantly priced either(by my standards any way!).

Also deserving a highlight though not exactly new, is that the Focal V Series speakers has been on demo in the Asia Sound showroom for some time now. The Focal V Series are great value for money speakers, as they bring resolution, Euro refinement and are an easy load for most amplifiers.
Do contact Eddie at Asia Sound for more info at 03-79552091.

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