July 17, 2010

They Are Back

One of the best-selling audiophile albums (Made-In-Malaysia, no less) in Taiwan is back with its highly-anticipated sophomore album!

Big E and myself interviewed the two incredible singers from 2V1G - Jeffery Lim and Winnie Ho - this afternoon. Unfortunately, Roger Wang couldn't make it. The interview article will be followed up by Big E.

Meanwhile, something hot from the oven to whet your appetite for 2V1G's long-overdue 2nd album, slated to be out early next month.

Good to have you back, 2 Virgins and 1 Gay! ;-)

1 comment:

  1. For a moment, I really thought 2V1G were 2 virgins 1 gay, which is actually 2 vocals 1 guitar.
