December 22, 2010

PMC FB1i & TB2i Signature Series Speakers Are Here!

PMC FB1i Signature(front) & TB2i Signature(back, stands are optional).

To celebrate the PMC FB1i & TB2i speakers 10th Anniversary milestone in production, PMC has decided to bring out a limited run of Signature Series, to commemorate both the highly successful models in the company's hifi speaker range.
PMC TB2i Signature.

The Signature Series speakers have specially tuned passive cross over networks that gives it's legendary mid/vocal range signature. Also new is the exclusive cabinet finished in Palissandre Rose veneer.
PMC FB1i Signature.

Previously, as experienced with the PMC LB1i Signature speakers, demand had totally out striped supply. Both the latest addition to the Signature Series is likely to experience the same phenomenon, especially in Hong Kong, Taiwan and Japan.

We've been promised a review pair of the TB2i Signature speakers soon.

AV Designs have secured a very limited quantity of the two models for the privileged few. If these PMC speakers floats you boat, call James Tan at 03-21712828.

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