June 13, 2011

Paradigm Speakers Warehouse Sale, At Asia Sound Equipment.

Asia Sound Equipment is located on the 1st Floor of Amcorp Mall. You can't miss it.
Asia Sound Equipment in Amcorp Mall is clearing out all their stocks of Paradigm speakers, get this, AT COST! I believe there's no better deal than this, if one has been eyeing these Canadian boxes.

Eddie Tan tells me that they have a wide range of Paradigm speakers in stock to clear at first come, first serve basis. Hurry up, before it's all gone!

For enquiries, call Asia Sound Equipment at 03-79552091.

1 comment:

  1. Too bad to hear that Asia Sound is quitting hifi industry. I managed to grab their Anthem MCA 30 power amp at a very attractive price. The Anthem power amp is really a good stuff, not just for HT use, but it also performs very well for hifi stereo.
