August 1, 2011

Impressions of KLIAV 2011 Part I

I spent half a day on Saturday at the hifi show. Here are some photo shots and impressions to share.

Let's start with the British Hifi contingent:

Rogers LS3/5A old (the left hand pair) and new (the 65th Anniversary Edition on the right) on silent display in Wo Kee Hong's room. The new is half the price of the old

The complete Naim system in one of CMY's rooms. This system displayed the customary Naim liveliness and impact, listening to rock was exhilarating
The two Linn systems put up by Perfect HiFi

Tropical Audio played the Harbeth HL-P3ESR. The frontend and amplification were Quad
The big ATC SCM-50 Active Anniversary in Hi-Way Laser's room. Excellent construction, exquisite veneerThe SCM-50 was supported by the SCA-2 pre-amp and an international cast from Ayre and Trinnov
Spendor loudspeakers and Sugden amplifiers. Sorry, I did not recognize the frontends

Complete Audio Note system. I like the vocal presentation from this system, it had excellent body and realism

The PMC MB2-XBD active loudspeaker doing guard duty at the front of AV Designs' room

PMC IB2i and the matching centre channel doing AV duty with Bryston amplifiers. They were playing 2-channel music via the excellent Bryston BDP-1 media player and the BDA-1 external DAC (I initially thought that it was the TAD-D600 player I was listening to, but no, James corrected me later that it was the Bryston duo playing). I heard the familiar dynamic expression when the IB2i's were temporary residents at my place, though unfortunately the overall performance was marred by bass bled from the neighbouring room

More to come...

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