July 26, 2012

KLIAV 2012 Show Report Part IV.

Now for the final part of our KLIAV 2012 tour.
A&L Audio Station had the Golden Ear Triton Tower speakers on demo with Unison Research S6 amp, feed by Unico CD player. The sound was easy on the ear.

Golden Ear show it's roots in the AV sector with this Force Field sub woofer and Super Sat discreet speakers(not shown).

A&L Audio Station had another demo featuring Dali Epicon 6 New Reference(outer) and Fazon F5(inner) loudspeakers, powered by Unison Research S9 tube amp and sourced with latest PS Audio Perfect Wave Memory Player & DAC II. A new generation of Power Plant from PS Audio is used. 

Other than the JBL Everest & Theta electronics combo, IMS Distribution also demoed the latest JBL Studio series speakers, powered by Bel Canto amps and Krell CD player.

AV World, had Waterfall(clear glass, left) and Amphion(right) speakers on static display.

This Orpheus electronics and Ktema speaker set up is demo-ed by Audio Defination. Also one of the best sound of show candidate.

Especially when demo-ed using this Ktema Acordo speakers! Franco Serblin never lost his touch when it comes to stand mount designs. It's both equally exquisite sounding and looking.

Clarity MP brought in the flagship series Wisdom Audio LS 3 planar speakers with the gigantic STS sub woofer, powered by...... 

Mark Levinson amps, and sourced from.......

Kaleidescape digital media player, using a Playback Designs MPS-3 for DAC.

Dared head phone amp was also on demo.

Luen Hing Electrical demo-ed the Dared I30 tube job with a computer feeding 16/44.1 signal in to the amp's built in DAC. It sounded very good too. 

That's the lot for KLIAV 2012 show report. There may be some rooms which I've missed, as I've seen from our other friendly blog site, HiFi-Avenue, who also covered the show extensively. Next, we rate our KLIAV Show favourites!

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