May 24, 2020

HiFi Unlimited is Back

Wow,  it has been 7 years since our last post in HiFi Unlimited.

Willy (aka Big E) and me have been off HiFi blogging for quite some time, though during this hiatus, we never let go of our HiFi hobby and our music enjoyment.

Somehow, the idea struck us recently to revive HiFi Unlimited. It was kind of a "wanting to return to the root" moment.

We remembered the wonderful time we had with this blog where we shared our HiFi journey and the enthusiasm we had with the HiFi equipment, systems and music that crossed our path. We also enjoyed and learned from the interactions with you, the readers, tremendously.

We want some of that fun back.

So, we are going to start writing and sharing on HiFi Unlimited again. Things will be kept casual. We shall share our journey, our thoughts, and the happenings in the HiFi scene around us, and we shall do this from a purely hobbyist and enthusiast's perspective.

Let's go!

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