December 26, 2024

Experiencing the Designer’s System – Frank AB2 Tower Sub

 Posted by Tan

It’s rare to have a chance to listen to a HiFi designer’s own system, but if one ever comes along, we should seize it, as it offers us an insight into the designer’s personal listening preference and, not least, how far the designer’s own product could be pushed.

So when Frank Voon, the owner and designer of Frank Acoustics invited me to listen to his system in his new home, I jumped at it. Frank’s system was set up in a dedicated rectangular listening room, with the main focus on his Frank AB2 Tower Sub.

The Frank AB-2 is essentially a passive subwoofer in tower form, mated to a bookshelf loudspeaker of your choice. There is a 'cutout' in the middle of the tower to accommodate the bookshelf speakers (you can get more information on the Frank AB2 Tower Sub here and here).

Frank’s system was straightforward, consisting of a TEAC streamer, a Marantz disc player, a preamp and a power amp. Of course, he also had a few Frank Powerbanks installed, though they were placed close to the distribution box rather than in the listening room. From the photos, you can see that getting the room acoustic right was also important to him, thus the absorbers and diffusers that were placed at various strategic positions.

The loudspeakers were placed well apart from each other and well into the room, slightly more than halfway of the room’s length. This created one of the most memorable characteristics of this system, which was its soundstage. The soundstage was detached from the loudspeakers, wide and deep (with more sensation of depth). Centre imaging and solo voices were placed far into the stage with their positions almost right at the front wall, and the ambient details extending beyond the front and side walls. This would be an uncanny sensation for those who are unfamiliar with such an experience, especially among the non-audiophiles.

Image focus was well defined, and imaging was well delineated, and with excellent depth perception, layering was very well done too. The sound was not voluptuous or fat despite the bass and volume capabilities of the towers.

Overall, the music delivery was, well, musical, with a grain-free treble region and an articulate midrange. It could do sultry vocal and dynamic attack. The bottom end created a solid foundation for the rest of the spectrum to play on. I appreciated this balanced approach Frank applied to his system, avoiding the temptation to boosting the bottom end just to showcase the AB-2’s bass prowess.

The power amp Frank made for his own use. Unfortunately, Frank has no plan to commercialize it yet.

Indeed, I believe these Frank AB-2 bass towers could extend the performance envelope of any bookshelf loudspeakers they are paired with (you can also request for Frank’s custom made bookshelf speakers to mate with the AB-2, which was how I heard them during this visit). If you want floorstander performance but loath to give up your favourite bookshelf speakers, consider the novel Frank AB-2 Sub Tower perhaps. You may be pleasantly surprised!

Contact Frank Voon for enquiries, +60122981011.

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