More KLIAV 2010 show reports.

In the Acoustic Arts room, a Walker Audio Velocitor was powering a system consisting of,

Epos Encore 50 flagship speakers,

powered by BAT tube power amps(the middle one is a solid state/hybrid design),

signal pre amplified by BAT Rex and phono stage,

Sourced by am Epos Wyndsor turn table. The amps were already sold I am told, so no more demos, as the proud new owner is on his way to collect them! I know what this system is capable of, as I've previously heard them sing at the Acoustic Arts show room in Summit USJ. They are fabulous!

The other Acoustic Arts room demoed Epos M series speakers with budget Creek CD player and integrated amp. The sound was decent, but failed to wow me like the year before.

Maybe because the Shakti stones were not used on demo that day? Who knows!

German Physiks made a return this year with Sim Audio electronics again this year in the AVP Soundcraft room, the sound was pretty O.K. but somehow, no fireworks for me this time!

Sim Audio CD player, pre/power combo. That serious looking turn table on top is static display only(what a shame!).

The 2nd AVP Soundcraft room was more to my liking, but only because of my soft spot for the Nagra electronics, especially the 845 VPA tube power amp.

Nagra CDC CD player and PL-L pre amp.

The Nagra VPA and Verity Leonore speakers. The sound was not great, but as with tube gears, it doesn't do much wrong either. It has the tonal colour to melt your heart away.

The Audiomatic room was fronted by Vitus pre/power amps and CD players, but smooth, sophisticated sounds were coming from the EAT turn table and Vitus phono stage too.

The nicely finished EAT turn table, this is the Forte's baby brother.

The always friendly Eugene posing with the Marten Heritage Getz speakers.

The 2nd Audiomatic room demos Bladelius electronics and Chario Sonnet speakers. A Furutech Daytona 303 PLC powers the system. This system sounds pretty good too.

Furutech always enjoy brisk business at KLIAV.

Ong AV Specialist showcased the return of Theta Digital electronics mated to Opera Tebaldi flagship speakers.

Theta Citadel, zero feedback high current amplifier, or so it says.

Theta Generation VIII Series 2 DAC/pre amp.

Mini Me Citadel mono blocks?

Audio 88 demoed the YG Kipod speakers last year with disappointing results. They are doing better this year with the YG Carmel, no secret, the Kipod was too big for the room but the Carmel is just nice. I kinda like the YG Carmel actually.

Some would say that I have a thing for small dinky floor stand speakers, so what?

The YG speakers are sourced by a Jungson flagship Cd player and Audio Space Reference tube integrated amp.

CMY knows I have a thing for Wadia too, note the Wadia iTransport and 151 PowerDAC. Nils Lofgren demo anyone?

Odiosleuth liked this all Naim system in the CMY room. I can see why, the Naim Ovator speakers are the least Naim like in sound, it has more commonly accepted audiophile traits.

Another CMY room with Usher X-718 speakers, powered by Usher pre/power combo source by Wadia 381i CD player.

The next CMY room had the refined Metronome CD2A Signature CD transport/DAC combo with the top range Jeff Rowland pre/power amps powering a pair of.........

Dynaudio Sapphire speakers!

Tropical Audio displays, what else? But Harbeth HL-5 speakers with ol' skool Quad electronics.

Sam, I think this stuff is a bit tired, don't you wanna try something new next year?

A&L Audio Station displays NAD Classic range.

Also on silent display are Densen gears.

But they got Unison Research tube amp powering .......

Elac 240 Series speakers, featuring sapphire coated drivers.

Desa Home Theater was showcasing Mordaunt-Short 40th Anniversary Performance Series speakers. Nice sound by the way.

The Mordaunt-Short speakers were powered by a Synthesis stereo power amp.

Another look at the 40th Anniversary MS Performance speaker.

Sound Tech from Sungai Petani show off Chario Academy Serendipity speakers, powered by......

Clasica-audio amps. These amps are hand made in Sungai Petani and are exported to Spain, it's biggest market.

I found the Clasica-audio amps to have typical tube sound, lush, smooth and the right warm and fuzzy tonal colour. the amp's build quality appears to be of high standards too. 1Malaysia Boleh! Ha!Ha!
More KLIAV show reports to come. Stay tuned.