July 30, 2024

TAD-C700 Pre-amp and TAD-GE1 loudspeaker Launch Event at AV Designs

Posted by Tan

AV Designs recently held an event to introduce two latest products from TAD (Technical Audio Devices), the TAD-C700 preamp and the TAD-GE1 loudspeakers. 

The TAD-C700 is TAD's top-dog pre-amp from its no-holds barred Reference Series. Just like the TAD-C600 pre-amp that it replaces, the TAD-C700 is a two-box preamp, with a substantial outboard power supply and a main body for the control and amplification functions. The TAD-C700 list price is RM209,000.

Glossy, silky smooth finishes on the TAD-GE1

The front firing bass reflex port is located at the bottom of the loudspeaker

The TAD-GE1 loudspeakers, on the other hand, comes from TAD's Evolution Series, which has now grown to be a 5-louspeaker-model line-up. The TAD-GE1 floorstander is the top model, its enclosure design is stunning - refined and an instant classic with its impeccably finished glossy wood grain surface, photos don't do them justice. Compared to the more massive and squat stance of the Reference Series speakers, I believe the TAD-GE1 (and all the loudspeakers in the Evolution Series for that matter) would be much more friendly in the domestic setting, with its high-end-furniture like finish, slimmer profile and smaller footprint. The list price of the TAD-GE1 is RM194,500/pair. 

As I listened to a complete set-up without A/B comparison with other components, it was not possible for me to isolate the sound of each component. However, what I heard from the TAD-GE1 was cut from the same cloth, sharing the same traits with TAD's top reference the TAD-R1TX loudspeakers. The sound was transparent with a lot of well resolved details. Dynamics were excellent, music was fast and impactful when it is called for. The TAD-GE1 also conjured up a soundstage that easily filled up the very big space in the showroom. Bass was the best I heard from all the Evolution Series models, being deep and well defined.  

In fact, if I may say so, all of the loudspeakers from TAD that I ever heard (which includes the R1, CR1, GE1, E1, and the ME1) carry the same house sound and core characteristics, the differences are a matter of degree in terms of the performance envelope - you just get more as you move up the ladder and you'd never get disappointed even as you move downwards. These TAD loudspeakers would always satiate your musical appetite. 

Credit, of course, must be given to the TAD-C700 preamp and the TAD-M700s power amp, which exhibited a fine grip on the proceedings - being of the proverbial iron-fist-in-a-velvet-glove type. I can't vouch how much improvement there was moving from the prior generation to the current as I never heard them side-by-side, but someone who had heard a TAD-C600 before told me that the new preamp sounded much more open and more resolved. 

The team at AV Designs

The TAD stack will be on demo in AV Designs showroom, give them a call at 03-6241 1237 to arrange a listening session.