Acoustic Arts is located in No. F1.16, 1st Floor, Summit City, USJ. It's maned by the always friendly Lawrence. Their main brands are Creek electronics, BAT(Balance Audio Technology) tube amps, Epos speakers, Straightwire cables, Walker Audio turn table and accessories, plus Shakti tuning devices and accessories.
The Straightwire loose cable rack, Acoustic Arts do stock the more exotic ranges too, all the way up to Level 4(a.k.a. Reference Level) if you're interested.
The showroom is tastefully decorated and divided in to 2 main areas. The main area is mostly demoing AV systems and accessories display only. There's another room dedicated to serious stereo stuff, and this is where our interest lies.
The main AV centric demo area, note the cables in the box? Those are the exotic level Straightwire cables I mentioned earlier.
The full Epos speaker range on demo.
The dedicated stereo demo room. Note the Revel speakers?
Epos Vs Revel?
Theta Digital Citadel Tower amps, these babies pushes out 400W. On the fore ground, BAT VK55i integrated amp.
Shakti tuning stone. To be placed on top of the equipment's transformer, or any where on the top panel that sounds best to you.
Full range of Creek Evolution and Destiny electronics on demo. The Creek/Epos partnership has excellent and well proven synergy, since the 80's.
Other than selling new hifi, Acoustic Arts also has a range of consignment pre-owned high end gears on offer.
If in The Summit USJ, do stop by at Acoustic Arts for a visit. However, I'd urge you to give Lawrence a call at 012-2125708 or 03-80235708 to avoid disappointment.
The showroom is tastefully decorated and divided in to 2 main areas. The main area is mostly demoing AV systems and accessories display only. There's another room dedicated to serious stereo stuff, and this is where our interest lies.
Other than selling new hifi, Acoustic Arts also has a range of consignment pre-owned high end gears on offer.
If in The Summit USJ, do stop by at Acoustic Arts for a visit. However, I'd urge you to give Lawrence a call at 012-2125708 or 03-80235708 to avoid disappointment.
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