There are many type of audiophiles, and their respective sub groups. Big E is a genuinely modern consumer. I am a consumer because everything I buy, I use. If I don't use, I don't buy, and I don't keep. House rules I guess? I do not have a big house, so space is a premium.
Then there's the collectors, who buys equipment for a number of reasons. My good buddy, Jo Ki of the famed LS3/5A speaker is a well known collector, who is also in to all sorts of other British classics, like Quads and Leaks from the sixties era. I know many others are in to all sorts of other hifi collectibles, such as those vintage 70's Jap made Sansui amps, Kenwood tuners and Nakamichi tape decks(but that's so 80s!). Then there are those Philips TDA-1541(and all their varieties) DAC chip based CD player collectors.
Then there are NOS tube/valve collectors of the audio amplifier kind. I even know of a cable collector! Go figure, things that audiophiles collect.
HS is an avid reader of this blog. He is possibly the rarest breed of collectors in Malaysia. He does not do classics or vintage, but rather he goes all the way back to the days of Thomas Edison, the inventor of the phono graph. That would make a few items of his collection dating back to the 1890's! Now, that's antique, and how can one beat that?
HS not only collects phono graphs from the Edison era, along with the phono graphs, he also has a collection of wax cylinders, to play music. Each wax cylinder contains a simple 2 minute music track, which is usually a piano tune, song or pre recorded speech. HS takes great pains to acquire, re-build and keeps all his collection in working order.
HS also has a size able collection of tube/valve radios and diode tuners. Most of the tube/vale radios are from the pre-WWII era, with a few from 50's and 60's thrown in for good measure. Again, all of his radios are working examples.
I asked HS where did he source all his collection from, and he said "e-bay! It's so much easier these days with e-bay" Back in the good ol' days, he'd go and hunt the phono graphs from all over Malaysia, mostly in the kampungs(villages) and small towns. "Most of the local examples are usually not working when I got them" he said. So HS puts in the time, money and effort to restore his purchases to working condition. "Since e-bay, I mostly get restored or mint examples from either Europe or the US" he adds.
I asked how much he had "invested" in to his collection? he just smiled and said "don't ask!"
By the way, HS is wondering if there are any like minded enthusiast in to antique hifi just like him around? If one is of the same feather or intends to start on a similar flock of collection, please leave your e-mail contact in the comments section. HS will contact you shortly.
By the way, HS is not only about the past, he is also very much in to the present and looking in to the future of hifi!
We shall look in to his thoroughly modern system soon. Believe me when I tell ya the HS is a unique fella, and if a system reflects it's owner, I am sure you'll be in for a treat!
Stay tuned for more.
A most marvellous collection indeed. And they all look like fresh from the factory!
The first 'recorded sound' was by a Frenchman, I think, who devised a contraption which made marks on soot-coated glass but it was Edison who thought of a 'playback' system with his cylindrical, wax-coated paper and later on with tinfoil.
Dear Big E, I hope YOU are not responsible for the broken wax cylinder :=). That must have cost HS an arm and a leg. Well, maybe not for someone who doesn't need to ask for its price, but it is priceless as a historic item nonetheless.
HS, congratulations on your magnificent collection. I don't think there are too many people out there who own such treasures all in one place.
I only have three words for you!
Ha! Ha!
Thank you for taking the trouble to write about my collection. I hope it would generate some interest among your readers.
Thank you for your compliments. I still hoping you would find time to pay me a visit to view the collection in person. For the record Vintage Radio and Phonograph collection need not be an expensive hobby. Just like HiFi it can be very affordable or could cost an arm and a leg, depending what you go for. Mine is just a modest collection.
My hats off to you. Simply amazing.
Thanks. My more complete Vintage Audio collection could be viewed from here.
Do not scroll, let the pictures get loaded first.
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